The first communicable telephone device was invented at the end of the 19th century. No one could have imagined that mobile phones would evolve so remarkably, intensively and have such wide-reaching effects one century of years later.
Landlines are widespread throughout the world, but with a clear downward trend. The first mobile phones appeared in the late 1940s, after the Second World War. They were very expensive, heavy and large, so they were generally used inside vehicles and only by a limited number of people such as military related individuals and groups.
In 1982 Bell Laboratories in the United States created the device now known as the first generation mobile phone (1G, analog voice). Second generation phones (2G) appeared in 1990.
The real revolution got under way when fourth generation (4G) devices appeared with faster voice and data transmission speeds, to become vital social and leisure attributes etc. But now 5G technology also have been developed and thus 5G compatible devices are now available in the market.

Teenagers are the driving force behind mobiles given the importance for them of being constantly in touch, with access to various social networks like Twitter, Facebook etc..
The applications (apps) market started up with Apple’s iOS in 2010. With the introduction of the latest version of Google’s Android, a situation of strong competition has been created between both systems. There are several applications in the market that can be either acquired free or paid for. Free or low-cost applications are frequently reduced versions with less functionality and are generally acquired through online stores associated with the system manufacturers.

The introduction of Smartphones and Tablets has completely changed the concept of mobility and telephony. The method of accessing the Internet from mobile devices, the appearance of long-range touchscreens and the improvement in bandwidths for the Internet connection are all facilitating the creation and release of functionalities capable of meeting user demands, including the original service of having a telephone conversation.
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